Jakob Weinrich, LL.M. - Your lawyer in Vienna.

Debt collection for doctors: Effective enforcement of fee claims

As a doctor, you often face the challenge of effectively collecting outstanding fees from patients. In today's fast-paced medical landscape, this can be particularly stressful. It is therefore vital to implement clear and efficient procedures for debt collection. This article provides a detailed overview of how doctors can best collect and enforce their receivables.

1. set clear terms of payment

The first step towards avoiding delays in payment begins with drawing up the terms of payment. These should be formulated clearly and comprehensibly and ideally communicated during the initial consultation or treatment. It is advisable to explicitly state payment deadlines and possible consequences in the event of default, as these will serve as a solid basis for debt collection later on.

2. proactive receivables management

Regular checks of open items are essential. You should react proactively by sending friendly payment reminders as soon as an invoice is overdue. An efficient reminder system often proves to be the key to success. Electronic systems can help to keep track and send automated reminders.

3. use professional reminder letters

The reminder letter is a central component of the debt collection process. It should be professional, polite and firm. You should inform the debtor of the outstanding amount and set a reasonable deadline to settle the debt. It is also helpful to offer several payment options to make the process easier for the debtor.

4. prepare legal steps

If a debtor does not pay despite all efforts, it is important to take legal action in good time. This includes initiating dunning proceedings or, in more complex cases, preparing a lawsuit. As a doctor, it is crucial that you seek legal support in good time in order to effectively enforce your claims.


The enforcement of fee claims requires a structured and consistent approach. By establishing clear payment terms, efficient receivables management and the use of professional debt collection services, doctors can effectively protect their financial interests. With years of experience in the field of debt collection for doctors, our law firm can advise you on how to achieve optimum results.